We need your help to call on the NSW government to lead by example and show kids what healthy eating really looks like.
of food advertisements on Sydney buses are for junk food and drink.
Right now, the NSW government is accepting money from food companies to market their unhealthy food and drink on government-controlled property. This directly contradicts the government’s own messages about healthy eating and its efforts to tackle childhood obesity.
Join us and sign the petition asking the NSW Government to give our children the best chance to grow into healthy adults.
Our research has found Sydney children travelling to school would be exposed to up to 2,800 unhealthy food advertisements a year, just from the transport mode they use.
Sign the petition
Joint statement supporters:
We have joined with other leading organisations and health experts to ask the NSW Government to remove unhealthy food advertising from property owned by, or contracted to, the NSW Government, in particular public transport.
If your organisation would like to join, please contact us.
Read our evidence statement.
Dob in an advertiser
There is a vast array of unhealthy food advertising out there and our children are vulnerable to the effects of these manipulative marketing campaigns, and they deserve to be protected.
If you’ve seen an ad that you think targets children with an unhealthy eating message on television, radio, print (newspapers or magazines), cinemas, outdoor signs, public transport, websites, or email, you can lodge a complaint through Ad Standards at https://adstandards.com.au/lodge-complaint.
You can also report any concerns to us, and we’ll lodge a complaint on your behalf. In your message, please include:
- Company name and product advertised
- When and where the ad was seen or heard
- Type of advertising (e.g., TV, billboard, etc.)
- Brief description of the ad and your concerns about it