Category: TV advertising

broken oreo cookies

A complaint to the Ad Standards has shown that despite updates to the AANA Food and Beverage Code, loopholes within the Code allow ads for unhealthy food to be shown during prime-time TV shows.  This demonstrates that the changes in the code have made no difference in protecting children from exposure to unhealthy food advertising.  […]

Fame and shame text overlay images of junk food

It’s been a challenging year but one thing we can be sure of is the end-of-year announcements from Parents’ Voice of the annual winners of the Fame and Shame Awards.   The Fame and Shame awards call out the dodgy marketing techniques that food companies use to promote their junk food and drink to children.  But […]

Little girl watching TV.

Channel 9’s popular renovation show The Block is watched by lots of children. When we saw an ad featuring two contestants walking along the street eating McDonald’s food, then telling a tradesman that everyone else is at McDonald’s trying the new chicken menu, we lodged a complaint with Ad Standards. The audience of children could be large, given the show’s popularity. We thought this junk food advertisement would reach many children and the use of the show’s stars would appeal […]

Backs of two children in front of a TV

Watching just over 4 minutes of junk food advertising on television increases a child’s food consumption by 250 kilojoules. That is what a study combining results of experimental studies from around the world has concluded.   The study also found that playing a game with embedded ads for 5 minutes increased consumption by 220 kilojoules. It might not seem like much, but most children will see more than 4 minutes of junk food ads a day as television programmers […]

Child wearing Minion costumer with family at McDonalds

Kids are obsessed with ‘minions’ and anything to do with the Despicable Me movie franchise and unfortunately junk food companies take advantage of this obsession. The Despicable Me movie was released during the school holidays, cue the junk food companies craftily adding Despicable Me 3 paraphernalia to their products and heavily promoting to children. One […]

Two children watching TV

Junk food advertising on TV is still happening.  Although we might think that advertisers have moved on from advertising on television, that’s not the case. In 2009, food companies brought in responsible marketing codes; saying they would not advertise junk food to children. We’ve been checking out TV ads on Sydney television since 2006.  Our […]